Change Management
Change in today's business environment is happening at an ever increasing rate and impacts day-to-day operations of all organizations. Change management programs are increasingly being used to enable people to be productive and thrive in a changing environment. Change management increases the probability of project success, manages employee resistance, improves employee job interest, reduces employee attrition, and builds change competency (culture) into the organization.
Change Management is a structured process and set of tools for managing and helping employees transition from a current state to a desired future state. PM&A utilizes a three phase change management methodology.
Phase 1: Preparing for Change - The scope and characteristics of change are assessed including the number of employees impacted, customer impact, and scope (department, division, enterprise). The assessment is utilized to develop specific elements of a change management plan.
Phase 2: Managing Change - Specific plan elements are developed including:
Communications plan - which consider the various audiences (management, supervisors, and employees). Messages and delivery methods are customized to fit the audience while supporting a common enterprise message.
Training plan - enables employees to perform in the new environment from day one with limited interruption. Employee training is required with re-designed work processes, new methods of handling problems, new roles in a new environment, and new skill requirements.
Coaching plan - managers and supervisors must be totally committed and engaged in the changes taking place, otherwise change will not be embraced by their staffs. A coaching plan provides the delivery method of conveying information across the enterprise.
Phase 3: Reinforcing Change - results must be evaluated to measure success. Where there are gaps, corrective action is required to prevent reestablishment of former methods. Listening, analyzing feedback, measuring, and diagnosing gaps are critical elements of completing the transition.